Voorpagina Fatwa

Prins Charles geeft Islamles

Op 9 juni gaf ‘The Prince of Wales’ a.k.a. Prince Charles (je weet wel, die van Engeland) een speech met als titel: "Islam and the Environment". Hierin vertelt Imam Charles over de inspiratie die hij ziet in de Islam om te zorgen voor ’the environment’. Een passage:

"This ignores the spiritual teachings of traditions like Islam, which recognize that it is not our animal needs that are absolute; it is our spiritual essence, an essence made for the infinite. But with consumerism now such a key element in our economic model, our natural, spiritual desire for the infinite is constantly being reflected towards the finite. Our spiritual perspective has been flattened and made earthbound and we are persuaded to channel all of our natural, never-ending desire for what Islamic poets called “the Beloved” towards nothing but more and more material commodities. Unfortunately we forget that our spiritual desire can never be completely satisfied." Lees hier de hele speech.

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