
“Be a Peacemaker”

Een Amerikaans project waarmee wereldwijd dialoogbijeenkomsten worden georganiseerd en ondersteund over moslims.

“Be a Peacemaker” is an online fundraising campaign (http://peacemaker.kintera.org) that supports the educational outreach efforts of Unity Productions Foundation (UPF) through its 20,000 Dialogues project. This project is designed to fight ignorance, and increase understanding of Muslims by showing films produced by UPF in board rooms, campuses, and churches across the country. These award winning films, such as Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet, Inside Islam, and Allah Made Me Funny, have already helped mainstream America better understand their Muslim neighbors.

Our goal is to raise $150,000, which at a very modest cost of $125 per film screening and dialogue will allow us to organize over a thousand of these events around the country. Over the past several years we’ve already organized many of these events nationwide but with an election year upon us, and bigoted speech sadly increasing, we need to do more to educate and promote peace. Since over 60% of Americans say they don’t know a Muslim yet the majority also say they have a negative opinion of Muslims, there is a great deal to be done. Do your part.

Register to “Be a Peacemaker” today.

Wij Blijven Hier werd in 2005 opgericht, omdat ze vonden dat ze er nog niet waren. Inmiddels zijn ze 3000 bijdragen rijker, die vrijwillig door beginnende én gearriveerde verhalenvertellers worden geschreven. Verschillend van columns, persoonlijke ervaringen tot verborgen nieuwsfeitjes. Ze kijken op hun eigen manier tegen de wereld aan, en vertellen zélf het verhaal. Wie zijn ze? Kijk om u heen. Want ze zijn hier. Zij Blijven Hier!