Declaration to the Syrian People on the Principles for National Action
In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful,
Preserving the interests of the people has failed into an unprecedented stagnation, in addition to an intensification of corruption, looting of money, the humiliation of citizens, the violation of their rights and an attack on its sanctuaries and its culture.
We are well aware that both regional and global powers do not care about the people and the regimes, but about the realization of their economic, political and cultural interests, and thus we must not fall into its traps. And we refuse to redraw the maps of international politics at the expense of our people and our country.
The management of the crisis has not been successful, and the security solution has not led to a result but has worsened things. And the reforms did not reflect the demands of the people whose rights have been violated for half a century. Thus we, the signatories of this declaration, call to a quick political solution which defends our beloved country from the features of a real danger that increases everyday, in the light of the following:
- Public accounting for everyone who has shed but a drop of blood of this unarmed people.
- Persistence in the unity of the Syrian territory and refusal of division.
- Confirmation of the unity of the Syrian people and the rejection of sectarianism in all its forms.
- The identity of any component of the Syrian people, its characteristics and its culture are respected, whether it is a majority or a minority, as the rights of all people spring from their existence, not from their amount or affiliation.
- Condemnation of the language of exclusion and mistrust, that contributed to the deepening of the crisis.
- Serious, responsible and equal dialogue without tutelage is an alternative for the security solution, departing from the crucial national crisis that the country is pushed into. And its aim is to reach a new political structure that meets the demands of everyone.
- The sanctity of blood, property and dignity, the condemnation of the assault on them and on public and private property.
- – The prohibition of internal fighting and the emphasis on the peaceful character of the popular movement.
- Prohibition of murder for whatever reasons. (The blood of all Syrians is precious and valuable and is a loss for all of us)
- – Work to root out corruption on any level while maintaining the structure of the state.
- Human rights are sacrosanct and can not be harmed, including the right to peaceful demonstration, assembly and expression.
- – Release of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience and demonstrations unconditionally and without restriction, and a stop on the persecution of activists.
- Quickening of the abolition of some of the causes of the crisis, such as Article 8 and the 49th Law, in a firm and explicit way. And the holding of elections for a free constituent body, aiming at a new constitution that guarantees the separation of powers with no monopoly in the formulation of laws that will be issued or amended.
- Respect for the Syrian army, not inserting it as a party in the crisis, but considering it a guarantee for solving the crisis peacefully.
- The opinions and national initiatives of all Syrians inside and outside the country to the solution of the crisis that the country is in, are respected. We reject political condemnation from all parties.
- Confirmation that the legitimacy of any regime is established by its people alone. Military intervention is a red line, and unequivocally rejected.
- Voluntary and strict compliance to laws of public safety, starting from the laws of building, and not stealing electricity, and even to safety belts.
- The Syrian street is a civilized, brave, free and conscious street. It is not subject to the tutelage of anyone that passes by its fundamental demands. We call all components of our great people to human communication with their fellow countrymen and to find common ground in a brotherly atmosphere in order to clarify the facts, and to build a just civil state which is based on the law and freedom for all.
Damascus, 29 Sha’baan 1432 AH / 30 July 2011 AD
Shaykh Jawdat Sa’id, Intellectual
Shaykh Ahmad Mouaz al-Khatib
Shaykh Khalid Tafur
Dr. Khalil al-Asmar
Shaykh Sa’id Salaam
Muhammad Satla, Activist (Freedom Flotilla, Marmara ship)
Shaykh Sulayman al-Zabibi
Fawaz Tallu, engineer
Prof. Nizaar Harraki
2 Reacties op "Declaration to the Syrian People"
Respect voor het Syrische leger ? Dat lijkt mij een moeilijke en kan hoogstens een tactische zet zijn om het leger aan het kant van het volk te krijgen. Er is in ieder geval op het ogenblik weinig reden toe.
iedereen doet er toe, als je een gezonde doorstart wil maken.
de individuele integriteit mag niet verward worden met corrumperende effecten binnen een systeem (staat).
wie groepen uitsluit bij het werken aan een verbetering van de samenleving, schept een nieuw probleem.