
Hamas heeft monopolie op zomerkamp

Een grote daling in de hoeveelheid donaties en de hoge kosten hebben ertoe geleid dat de VN heeft moeten stoppen met het aanbieden van de zomerkamp in Gaza. De kampen van de VN bereikten eerder 250.000 kinderen in iedere sessie.


The Islamic militant Hamas has won a vital battle with the U.N. over the hearts of Gaza’s children, moving unopposed into the summer camp sector this year after the world body ran out of money.
That means Gaza kids who go to camp will have only the option of those that are heavy with lessons on Islam, political indoctrination and, in some cases, paramilitary training.
Gone are the U.N. camps that reached 250,000 children in each session with a lighter-hearted fare of sports and games. But they cost $12 million, and a sharp drop in donations forced the U.N. to call them off.
“This is a great loss for children,” child psychologist Fadel Abu Hein said.
Hamas camp counselors say children spend most of the day playing in their camps, and say it’s only fair that as an Islamic movement, they would instruct children about their religion, and as Palestinians, teach them about their homeland.
“Our camps are about education and play,” said senior camp counselor Abdullah Abdul-Ghafour. “But we can’t divorce children from their surroundings.”
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