
Iraanse fatwa tegen nucleaire bom

Door een fatwa van Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, de Grote leider van de Islamitische Republiek van Iran, zijn atoomwapens tot ‘haram’ (verboden) verklaard.

Recently a number of articles, including an editorial, have been published about Iran in The Pioneer. “A bomb that scares us all” by Kanchan Gupta (November 19); the editorial “Iran stands isolated” (November 21) and “Iran’s nuclear facility is being watched” by George Jahn (November 22). Here is a common response to all of them because the issues raised are the same.

The Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency in his recent report could not prove that the nuclear programme of Iran has been diverted towards military purposes.  Everything stated in the report is based on pure guess and conjecture. While the IAEA Director-General himself does not say anything for sure, The Pioneer has gone a step ahead and stated that the military dimensions of the Iranian nuclear programme “are no longer in doubt”. This report has raised issues which have long back been responded to. But according to some Indian experts, this report has raked up the Iranian nuclear issue.

Iran has signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty and is committed to implement the same honestly. All the nuclear activities of Iran have thoroughly been in accordance to the rules and regulations of this treaty and under complete supervision of the IAEA. The Agency has installed numerous cameras at the Iranian nuclear installations which are busy filming all the activities there 24 hours 365 days a year. All material produced there is sealed by the IAEA. During the last eight years the IAEA has performed intensive inspections stretching over 4,000 man hours. Iran has always welcomed the IAEA inspectors. Please let us know which other country in the world has done the same. Is Israel ready to do even a fraction of that?

Moreover, Iran, unlike any other country in the world, has got an additional and more important commitment towards not building atomic weapons. This additional commitment comes out of a fatwa of Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who has declared atomic weapons as haram (prohibited). In Islam a fatwa is the most stringent prohibition and for Muslims its sanctity is even more than conventional national and international laws. In this way, Iran is unique and a frontrunner in the whole world in the field of not building atomic weapons. It should also be added that no religious scholar in the world has ever issued such a progressive and peace-heralding fatwa.

The unreasonable, non-transparent, biased, double and selective attitude of the arrogant powers in international organisations would result in harming the prestige and usefulness of these international bodies. By exerting political and financial influence they do not permit these organisations to perform their normal and technical duties which would disappoint the countries of the world about the utility of international bodies.

Bron: Daily Pioneer

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