
Nu ook boerkaverbod in Italië

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Na Frankrijk, België en een stad in Spanje is ook Italië overstag. Een Marokkaans parlementslid steunde het initiatief ook met woede van islamitische organisaties als gevolg…

The Italian law was sponsored by Souad Sbai, a Moroccan-born member of Silvio Berlusconi’s conservative Freedom People party who said she wanted to help Islamic women integrate more into Italian society.

“Five years ago no one wore the burqa [in Italy]. Today there is always more. We have to help women get out of this segregation … to get out of this submission,” Sbai said in a telephone interview. “I want to speak for those who don’t have a voice, who don’t have the strength to yell and say: ‘I am not doing well.'”

The spokesman of an Islamic group said banning the Islamic veil “is unjust and touches individual liberty”.

“This topic continues to be a sort of criminalisation and media dramatisation. In Italy there aren’t even 100 women who wear the niqab and not even one who wears the burqa,” Roberto Hamza Piccard, spokesman for the Union of Islamic Communities in Italy, was quoted by the news agency Ansa as saying. He said such a ban would isolate devout Muslim women, who would not be able to leave their homes. Lees Verder

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