
Pakistan maakt Islamitische bushaltes

Pakistan versiert bushaltes met Verzen uit de Koran en Islamitische calligrafie om de stad Islamabad een spirituelere sfeer te geven. CDA, de ontwikkelingsautoriteit van de hoofdstad, wil honderd nieuwe bushaltes maken die o.a. dienen als zonweringen.

“The new sunshades will not only provide protection to commuters from inhospitable weather but will also project the art of Islamic calligraphy and our rich heritage,” CDA official Haji Mehboob Ahmad told AFP.

The CDA intends to erect 30 in the next two months, the hottest and wettest of the year as the monsoon season sets in, at a cost of 400,000 rupees ($4,700) each after the public responded well to a pilot programme.

Set up near Islamabad’s commercial Blue Area, not far from the seat of government, the first stop has been lavishly painted green, purple and yellow, inscribed with verses from the Koran seeking protection from evil.

The name of God has been painted in Arabic calligraphy and there is a public service message exhorting bus users to respect public property.

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