
Vrouw verwijderd van vlucht omdat ze niet joods is

Air France haalde, onder druk van de Israëlische autoriteiten, een vrouw van de vlucht. Ze was niet joods.

Op 15 april jl. wil Horia A. vliegen naar Israel ivm de flytilla. Een vreedzame protest door Pro-Palestina activisten. Echter zal zij niet kunnen participeren omdat Air France, onder druk van de Israëlische autoriteiten, haar van de vlucht haalt omdat ze geen Israëlische paspoort heeft en omdat ze niet joods is.

Ali Abunimah reports on a disgusting incident surrounding the recent flytilla, an action in France at the behest of Israeli authorities:

Air France demanded to know the religion of a passenger on a flight from Nice to Tel Aviv and removed her because she is not a Jew.

The 15 April incident, confirmed by an Air France official, may violate international and European law by subjecting prospective passengers to illegal religious discrimination…

Just imagine if a country demanded that Air France question passengers about their religion in order to exclude Jews. And imagine if Air France willingly complied.

More from Abunimah on the documentation of the incident:

The passenger’s account was published by the website of CAPJPO-Euro-Palestine and I have translated the following passage:

A young woman, Horia A., was allowed to check-in normally and then board the aircraft. But a few minutes before take off, a flight attendant arrived at Horia’s seat and asked Horia to come with her. Isolated in a corner of the aircraft, the embarrassed flight attendant asked her a first question:

“Madame, do you have an Israeli passport?”

Horia: “No.”

“She said no,” said the flight attendant into her walkie-talkie to the ground crew.

Flight attendant: “And now, are you of Israe.. um, are you Jewish?”

Horia: “no.”

Flight attendant into walkie-talkie: “Also, no”

During the next few minutes, Horia could see interactions and comings and goings among Air France personnel, before the flight attendant confirmed to her that she was forbidden to fly, citing “a very complex situation.”

Horia had the presence of mind to ask for a written statement, signed by the Air France employee, who was an accomplice despite herself in her bosses’ dirty tricks.

Bron: Mondoweiss

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