
Wanneer een wil is, is een weg

“Life is sometimes difficult and has challenges for everyone, but those who are born with disabilities and immobility face more problems and hurdles in their life from society and its surroundings.

Ammar Bogis is a 26-year-old journalist, writer, husband and father of a 13-year-old stepson. He is a role model in learning how to deal with hardships and obstacles of life. He memorized the Qur’an in two years at the age of 13 and wrote a book about himself that has already been sponsored by an American organization for publication and distribution. He worked at Al-Madinah newspaper for five years and is now working as an editor for another newspaper.

Bogis has been fully paralyzed since his birth in America and moves around in a small disabled stroller. The only parts of his body he has control over are his eyes and his exceptional brain, because even for talking he faces some problems.
Bogis told Arab News he studied with able-bodied children in American schools until the age of 10, but when he came back to Saudi Arabia he was refused admission at any school. “It was very difficult.”.

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