
Bosnië vormt onafhankelijke regering

Na een jaar onderhandelingen hebben de zes winnende partijen van de Bosnische verkiezingen een akkoord bereikt omtrent de premier en ministers.

Turkije blij met deze ontwikkeling

Turkey has said it welcomes a deal in Bosnia and Herzegovina reached on Wednesday by the six winning parties following a year of negotiations to agree on a prime minister and his cabinet ministers, urging immediate reforms which it said are long overdue.

The agreement between the parties elected to share power, however, was not based on overcoming differences, but rather on the realization that if the country continued without a government any longer there would be no budget — and without a budget state institutions would simply grind to a halt in 2012.

Divided Bosnia finally forms a government

After a year of negotiations, the six winning parties in Bosnia’s election have finally agreed on a Prime Minister and his Cabinet ministers.

Agreement between the parties elected to share power was not based on overcoming differences, but rather a realisation that if the country continued any longer without a government there could be no budget and without a budget state institutions would grind to a halt in 2012.

“Nobody really got what he wanted, but it’s good that this has come to an end,” Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik said.

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