
Nieuw: “Right to Return

Tariq Shadid, a.k.a. DocJazz, komt met een nieuw nummer over het Recht op Terugkeer van Palestijnen.

Music video by Doc Jazz, for the song ‘Right of Return’, released on December 17th, 2011.

This song is a musical response to the words of Ben Gurion he spoke in 1948 about the expulsion of over 800,000 Palestinians from their homeland:”The old will die, and the young will forget”.

This song shows the world that the young have not forgotten, and will not forget. They have kept their Palestinian identity alive, and their determination to never abandon their inalienable Right of Return.

At the beginning of the video you hear the voice of Yasser Arafat, in an excerpt from his famous speech to the United Nations in 1974. Translation: “They see in the Palestinian child, and in the Palestinian tree, an enemy they must get rid of.”

After that there is a voice clip from Mahmoud Darwish, from his poem ‘Aaberoon’. “In our land, we have what we do. And here, we have our history, and we have the first sound of life. Ours is the present … the present and the future.”

Doc Jazz has a vast repertoire of songs for the Palestinian cause. You can find his songs on http://www.docjazz.com and on http://www.soundclick.com/docjazz.

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Follow Doc Jazz on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/docjazzmusic

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